We have sold out of Spring Lamb! To reserve lamb for Fall/Winter, Email Amy at adriggs@graceyourplate.com
How Much Does the Meat Cost?
The cost of your lamb will be based on “carcass weight.” Carcass weight is what the animal weighs after being butchered and is typically about 50% of the live weight. Our grass-finished lambs will weigh approximately 100 lbs so the carcass weight will be about 50 lbs. A half lamb provides about 20 lbs of meat.
Our price for 2025 is $4.95 / lb carcass weight.
When comparing this purchase price of our grass finished lamb to regular lamb you buy at your supermarket or butcher’s counter, you can figure that your grass finished meat will cost about $8.50 per lb. (including processing fees). Of course, different cuts of lamb are more preciously priced at your grocery story (i.e. ground lamb burger vs. rack of lamb) and grass finished lamb at most butcher counters can cost between $10.00/lb for ground lamb to $18.00/lb for a rack of lamb. (National Monthly Grass Fed Lamb & Goat Report)
How Much Actual Meat Do I Get?
A whole lamb provides about 35-45 lbs of meat. A half lamb provides about 18-22 lbs of meat. This is a nice amount for a regular sized kitchen freezer or to supplement your deep freezer with a different protein option. Lamb can be cut and packaged in small or large portions for intimate meals or large gatherings.
How Much are Processing Fees & When do I Pick up the Meat?
Our lambs are processed in December and March. Once your animal has been processed, you'll be notified to come pick it up at the processors, Lower Valley Processing in Kalispell. You will be responsible for paying the processing fees at the time you pick up your meat. Butcher fees for a whole lamb are approximately $165.00/lamb.
Remember that you are purchasing a whole animal and we encourage you to ask for any parts of it that you can utilize; this includes dog bones, soup bones, organ meats, etc.
Lower Valley Processing, Kalispell, MT. Phone: 406-752-2846
We require a $50.00 minimum deposit to reserve your order, and we’ll send you an invoice for the remainder at processing time. (I.e: 1 lamb = $50, ½ lamb = $50, 2 lambs = $100)
Grandma's Leg of Lamb, a great holiday recipes. See Recipe.
Inexperienced with Cooking Lamb?
As cattle ranchers, we didn’t grow up eating & cooking lamb either. This is our go-to website to learn about cuts of lamb, cooking techniques & recipes: American Lamb Recipes
Or download this pdf of Grace Farms’ favorite recipes! Open PDF
Why is Grass-Finished Better?
• Supports Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
• High In Omega-3's
• Contains Electrolytes
• Contains More Healthy Fats
• Contains Less Bacteria
• Decreases Your Risk of Heart Disease
Read article about the benefits of grass fed products.